It’s Friday, but Sunday’s Comin’! April 7th, 2017

It’s Friday, but Sunday’s Comin’! April 7th, 2017

Do you ever get tired? Dumb question, I know. And maybe tired isn’t even the right word for it. We have more descriptive words like “drained” or “wiped” or “weary.” No matter what you call it, you know what I mean. There are times when I get tense and agitated. My neck and shoulder muscles get knotted up and the tension and stress literally wear me down to the point of exhaustion. Again, I think you know what that’s like, because life can be hard even when its good.
We’ve all had sleepless nights. We’ve all dealt with the physiological effects of stress and felt like the weight of the world was on our shoulders. But we’ve never carried the sins of the world on our shoulders like Jesus did. Imagine the weight of that.
When you are tired and stressed to the point of weariness, what do you do? Where do you turn?
Jesus said, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you shall find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:28-29, ESV). When we come to Jesus, we come to one who knows what it is to struggle with pain and grief and stress.
Jesus, just hours before his own crucifixion, spent the night praying in Gethsemane, and he found the strength to fulfill the mission God gave him. When we approach Jesus for help, comfort, and peace, he meets us there in our prayer, and gives us what we need.
This Sunday, when we gather for worship, we’ll talk more about Jesus and prayer and finding strength for the road ahead. I hope you will join us. We get started at 9 AM.
Grace and peace,
Patrick Barber, Preaching Minister